Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Springtime in Texas!

While there are many things I am thankful for, today this blog expresses my thankfulness for Texas wildflowers. 

Have you seen them popping up along the highways?  

Do you have some in your yard?  

Do they make you happy?  

I absolutely love Texas wildflowers...bluebonnets, verbenas, butter cups, Indian paintbrush, and wine cups to name a few.  The sight of the assorted colors brings happiness to my heart and a smile to my face.  I give a big shout out to the big man upstairs for the amazing rains to our parched land at the perfect time for the wildflowers and for creating so many beautiful things.  Have you looked at the detail in a bluebonnet?  The blue, the white, the little bit of red in each bloom...the perfection in each petal.  Isn't it amazing that with all the things God created, He paid attention to every detail from the hint of red in the Bluebonnet to the hairs on my head!  He truly is amazing!    

Yesterday, when Dad asked if I wanted to go to the ranch to check on a few things, I almost said no.  I thought of things I needed to do at the office and the plan I had lined out in my head for the day.  But then I chucked those thoughts and hopped in the truck.  Why not?  I am so glad I changed my mind because not only did I have a great time with my folks but the wildflowers were out in full force!  So instead of hearing about the flowers and seeing the pictures from my folks, I witnessed the beauty first hand.  In person.  Thank you Lord!  With all the hustle and bustle in my life, yesterday was just what I needed.  A day to slow down, take in the beauty God created, and enjoy time with some of my favorite people.  By the time I got back to the office, it was amazing how much better I felt.  Renewed.  Recharged. 

I hope each of you enjoy the Spring weather, the beautiful flowers, and give a little praise to God for all His many beautiful creations.  

Until next time, happy travels and many laughs...

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