Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back in the Saddle!

Can you believe we're already in the middle of the 3rd month of 2012??? 

My mom always said the older you get the faster time goes.  

She wasn't kidding about that! 

So, life got in the way.  

I haven't blogged.  

No excuses.  

Just a fresh start.  

Since my last entry, I took a few trips...

1.     The folks and I ventured North just before Turkey Day to Cleveland, Ohio for a Browns football game. Now before you shake your head and ask why, I have a good reason.  That blog entry I've actually started and hope to finish soon.  Stay tuned for a fun little entry about football, food, and rock n' roll.

2.     In January, Mom and I headed to the Keys for a few days before setting sail on a Girls Get Away Cruise hosted by Premiere Christian Cruises.  It was a fun week with my momma and time reflecting and worshiping God.  I plan on a short blog entry on this trip too in the future.

Now, there are lots of fun adventures happening in the coming months, so stay tuned for lots of good things happening around here.  A bit of a teaser to keep you intrigued...

Upcoming trips planned thus far this year...

  • Bahamas for a little fly fishing with the bestie
  • Ranch trip for a good ol' fashioned Cajun crawfish boil
  • "Work" trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Fishing the great northwest in Canada
  • First visit to South America and bird hunting in Argentina

Along the way I'll have laughs and other adventures to throw in stay tuned!!

Until then, happy travels and many laughs...

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