Monday, October 3, 2011

The Broads Abroad!

A, B & I took Italy and Germany by storm last week! The trip originated from my cousin's husband turning 50 and wanting to celebrate this momentous occasion in Munich at Oktoberfest.  Anyone and everyone was invited to attend the festivities (paying your own way of course) and celebrate his big 5-0! So, the girls and I jumped on the opportunity to make the trek to Deutschland and experience the real Oktoberfest.

Now where does Italy play into this trip?

Well, you see to go that far over there and not go to Italy would be a travesty in my opinion.  So, for $100 more per ticket, we flew into Florence (Firenze) for a couple of days before heading to Munich.  Firenze is my favorite city in the world outside of the US. I'm seriously in love with the place and cannot begin to explain how I feel about it. The place moves me, the Duomo brings tears to my eyes, and the authentic Tuscan food makes me a self proclaimed Italian food snob. 

After a very short but wonderful trip to Firenze, we headed to Munich by train to start the week of beer drinking and revelry.  This trip was an experience in culture, filled with laughter, and the making of many memories. 

Over the course of the next several blog posts, I will  recount our many adventures, provide a few recommendations, and create a permanent record of one heck of a trip.  I hope you enjoy each story as much as I love writing about these crazy times.

Until then, happy travels and many laughs...     

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