Thursday, June 2, 2011

A little background...

So, where to start?

First of all, let me say that all the stories you'll read in this blog are true. I will post pics of locations and other random things, but rarely will I post pics of me, my friends or family. As for the name I use, EA, is my lazy version I use instead of my full name, Elizabeth. I'm not a fan of nicknames but have shortened it in recent years. Now if you want to call me anything other than Elizabeth, I'm probably not going to respond. ;) As for the other folks mentioned in my blog, I will just use first initials or other nicknames just for ease of writing. Now those of you who know me (and my family & friends) in real life will know who's who and that's great...but overall, this is about cataloging the travels, laughs & adventures!

As for my deets, I'm in my early 30's...almost mid...but I'm still early for now! I'm an only child, who bears the good and bad of not having any siblings, and work for our family business. While I'm still on a search for Mr. Right, I'm thoroughly enjoying my single life and the many adventures it brings. Some have said "I'm living the life" but I'm just living my life. It comes with its ups and downs, but I'm extremely blessed with what life has brought me.

Now why would I call my blog "Travels, Laughs & Other Adventures"?

Travel: I LOVE to travel. Travel can be a 3 hour road trip, flying to another state or heading overseas for some international adventures. Many of my entries will be about the places I've been including my recommendations for things to do, places to see, and some of the best things to eat!

Laughs: Now you probably can't tell it yet, but I'm pretty dang funny. My humor tends to be dry and I love to zing/burn people when I get a chance. Now I'm not out to hurt anyone's feeling, but light hearted jabbing is always fun!

Other Adventures: A few years ago, I worked for an amazing woman who always had the best stories of things she'd done in life. I distinctly remember thinking "Man, I hope I have stories like hers when I'm older!" As time passes, I realize I do have great stories of random adventures and this is a great way to catalog those!

So there you go. That's the first entry. In the coming days/weeks, I'll bring you up to speed on the important folks in my life, including my family, my "bitches" (a term used every so lovingly), and other great people. I'll also catch you up on a great trip I just took to the Florida Keys!

Until then...happy travels and many laughs.

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