Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A first...

In a few weeks, I head off with 19 other people from my church to Carrefour, Haiti for an orphan care mission trip.  I am so excited to get to make this trip!  This is the first mission trip I've ever done and it's one I've been wanting to go on for over a year.  The dates have finally worked out for me to go!  

People have asked me why I want to go on a mission trip to Haiti.  

Why there?  
Aren't you worried something will happen? 
Why can't you do work here to help others?

Now I realize that I've said "I" several times and that's not the focus of this trip. 


This trip is about Him.  It's about God.  It's about Jesus. It's about the Holy Spirit.  

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands us to go.  

This is an opportunity for us to go and teach them about Jesus and His love.  We get to spend time with close to 40 orphans...loving on them, playing with them, singing with them.  What better way to show His love than through our own loving actions!  

"But seriously Elizabeth, why are you going to Haiti for this trip?"

The best way I can answer this comes from one of the other folks going on the trip.

We are going on this mission trip to Haiti for the Glory of God. 

Plain.  Simple.  

1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God -- even as I try to please everyone in every way.  For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.  Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."

Do it all for the Glory of God.  Follow the example of Christ. 

What a tall charge for each of us going!  

For the most part, I don't have an issue letting others have the limelight. I don't need recognition for things I do.  But how often do I make sure the limelight is on Jesus?  Whew, that's a tough question!  But it's a great question for me to ponder now, while we're in Haiti and when I get home.  Talk about growth.  I love how God is pushing me with this trip. 

So as we prepare for our trip to Haiti, I add specific prayers to my prayer list...
  • I pray that we will take Jesus with us to Haiti.  
  • I pray people will get to know Jesus and seek a personal relationship with Him. 
  • I pray we will show His love to each person we encounter on our trip.  
  • I pray that God is glorified from start to finish on our trip.
Friends, if you feel called to help others, do it!   Go!  Do!  It can be as small as cleaning out your closet and making a donation to a local charity or it can be as large as moving across the country or to another continent to help others.  The bottom line is to go and do.

As we prepare for the trip, I would appreciate your prayers for the list above, as well as, prayers for our protection and health during our travels.  When we get back, I will most definitely post about the experience.  

Until then, happy travels and many laughs...

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