Friday, June 19, 2015

You have a blog?

Well hello there! 

It's been a loooooooooong time since I've written and for that, I apologize.   

What happened?   

Maybe it was too hard to continue doing something that Casey inspired me to do.   
Maybe so much time passed I felt like I'd never "catch up".  
Maybe I hit that stall I always hit with journaling. Ugh!

No matter the reason...I'm back! 

So what's happened since my last post almost 2 years ago?

SO MUCH!!!! 

While I might not have blogged about it, I fell in love with an amazing man who loves me like NO other. We shared our first kiss November 2011.  We were engaged February 2014 and were married September 2014.  I think back to this time last year and how we had SO much going on with wedding planning.  It was a special time in our lives.   The wedding couldn't have been more perfect surrounded by those we love and cherish.   

So I'm back and ready to share more of my travels, laughs and other adventures.  I hope you'll join me in my excitement to start blogging again.  I'll do a little recap of a few trips I've taken recently in my next post.  B and I hit Key West again last month but had a different and new experience.  I definitely want to share that with you.  Also, I want to share more in the "other adventures" category.  Plus I'll throw in my silly, punny jokes now and then.  You'll love them!  I just know it!

Until then, happy travels and many laughs...

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