Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A crash course in fly fishing in the Bahamas...

  1.  Go in with best friend to buy a “Bahamas Fishing Trip” at a charity auction.
  2. Realize said fishing trip is not off-shore/deep sea (the kind you really love), but a fly fishing trip to the    Marls of Abaco in the Bahamas.
  3. Have minor freak out because neither one of you fly fish.  Well ok, maybe the one 4 hour trip in Colorado was technically fly fishing, but NOTHING like fishing the Marls.
  4. Google the Marls of Abaco to find out it is THE place to bonefish.  
  5. Google Abaco Lodge to find a pretty bad ass looking place.
  7. Buy fly fishing gear, book a fly fishing lesson, practice a little, and head to the Bahamas!!!!

Landing in Marsh Harbor opened my eyes to another side of the Bahamas.  A side of the Bahamas that was much quieter, much simpler, and definitely much more remote.  It was a stark contrast from the “Americanized” side of Nassau Island and The Atlantis resort.  Now I’m not dogging on the mega-hotel, but let’s just say after seeing the “other side,” I’m probably not going to venture that way any time soon.

Oliver, the operator of the lodge, picks us up at the airport and we head out in his old Suburban to the Lodge.  The roads are a combo of kaliche and some pavement and the development is sparse.  Oliver tells us about the island, the fishing, the lodge. He’s an interesting guy with definitely more to him than he lets on.  The blinker clicks and we turn into the Lodge.  The place is awesome!  One building houses the dining/living area and has an AMAZING porch that's perfect for relaxing and enjoying a beverage or two.  It looks out to the pool and the water, which is a rocky shore and feels more like a large lake than the ocean.  The rooms are reminiscent of an old motel (but with top of the line amenities).  A long run of rooms each with a porch overlooking the water provides a comfortable spot to sleep at night.  Everything here is first class.  The staff greets us when we arrive and after we get settled in we grab a drink and meet the 2 other fisherman already there.

Now I won’t go into the food at each meal but let me tell you the food is amazing!  Breakfast to order every morning…eggs, cereal, oatmeal, you name it.  Lunch is served on the boat and each evening, you select from a menu what you want for lunch the next day. Chips, sandwiches, cookies, beer, etc…it’s like grown up camp!  They even put little encouraging messages on your lunch bag.  Dinner is started with some type of delicious appetizer and followed up with a 5 star meal and decadent dessert.  You will not go hungry!

Each morning, we headed out by 8 am for a full day of fishing with a guide assigned to you the night before to ensure good rotation of the guides.  These guys are great!  Thankfully, they are patient and most of them are good teachers, but a few are amazing. 

Fishing Day 1

The weather is cool and overcast as we head out and our guide is a little taken aback when we tell him we’ve never fly fished.  We get to a spot and the wind is SO bad that B can’t get a line out.  As I watch her struggle, I think to myself that we’re NEVER going to catch a fish if the wind stays up like this.  I don’t even try the first day for fear of making a huge mess of the line.  After several hours of high winds and no success, we head over to a pretty spot for lunch and a little spin cast fishing.  We caught a few little Snapper and were glad to catch at least one fish.  A little later, our guide decided to show us how he could throw all the line on our reel.  What an awesome feat to witness!  Even better, in the process, he snagged a Bonefish and B got to reel it in!!  If you’ve never seen a Bonefish, go look one up.  They are really pretty and super cool!

Fishing Day 2

New guide + New area + Better weather + Very little wind = Fishing SUCCESS!!!!!!  Both B and I caught fish on our second day!!!!!  It was amazing to watch the fish hit the fly and hear the line scream as the fish ran.  Now for those of you who don’t know how you fish for these Ghosts of the Flats, first you have to find them, then you have to sight cast to them, get them interested in the fly, and then be ready for the fight when it takes the fly and runs.  This can be a little troublesome when you don’t cast really well or very far…these fish don’t tend to take the fly when they can see the boat. Ha! 

*Note: We may have celebrated our fishing success a little too much.  
Beware the dark rum!!

Fishing Day 3

Our final day wrapped up in a new area and while we didn’t catch fish, we still had a great time seeing sharks swimming in the water, turtles floating along with the tide and enjoying the beautiful scenery…perfect day! 

On our departure day, we had a little time to kill so one of the other fisherman at the Lodge (the place holds 10-12) offered up his car to head up to Treasure Cay (pronounced key).  This man has a house in Treasure Cay and told us the beach there is one of the most beautiful ones in the world.  At first I was reluctant to take his keys, but in the end, I’m SO glad we took him up on his offer.  After breakfast, B and I headed out on a left side of the road driving adventure to find this beach.  30 minutes down the road and a turn by the liquor store, we find Treasure Cay.  It’s not overly developed, just a grocery store, a bank and condos and houses along the beach.  When I say condos, I’m not talking massive, 20 story high condos, but 2-3 story ones.  We find the beach club our fisher friend mentioned and hike over the hill to see the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen.  The water perfectly turquoise.  The sand perfectly white.  It was like a dream.  Not to mention a perfect end to our fun trip.  Plus a new goal to come back and stay there for a few days the next time I go to the Bahamas. 

As we loaded our bags in the Suburban to head back to the airport, I took one last look over the Lodge.  I wasn’t ready to leave.  The place is beautiful and the weather amazing.  It was a nice break from reality.  Now to figure out when I can go back…

Until then, happy travels and many laughs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elizabeth!! It's Melanie Mueller. Glad to find your blog. Your travels always look so dreamy!!!! I too blog-- mostly like a scrapbook for my boys.
    Take care!!!
