Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gone Fishin' (Again)

After our quick trip to Nawlins last week, we headed south to Venice, Louisiana and hopped on the Big Valley fishing boat. My folks, a couple others, and I were guests of a long time family friend and business associate, who's company owns the boat. While I won't go into the specifics about the boat, let me just say it's a very nice boat and made the 3 night trip at sea quite comfortable.

Late Wednesday afternoon, we pulled out of the marina and "went down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico" for 2 serious days of fishing. (Did you catch the song lyric there? If you did, here's a high five from me to you!) I watched the sun fade into the Gulf and my cell service with it as we headed out into the middle of nowhere. It was an odd but good feeling to completely disconnect for a few days.

Over the next 72 hours, my agenda consisted of fishing, eating, sleeping, drinking, reading and just being.
Thursday morning came bright and early with some Black Fin and Yellow Fin tuna fishing. These fish are so fun to watch jump out of the water...its just a show to watch them leap and jump up and then splash back in the water as they feed on a bait ball. The black fin are like little rockets just barely breaking the surface and shooting back in the water. The yellow fin leap up and make arcs in the air, with the big ones jumping several feet out of the water.

Our host's wife caught the first and the biggest fish of the trip, a huge 80 pound Yellow Fin tuna. So immediately her nickname became "Big Fish." Mom was next and caught a nice size black fin. We each took turns as the reels started screaming and we hauled in fish.

Later in the morning it was my turn again and I was down in the stateroom getting something when I heard dad yell in the cabin "Elizabeth!!! Fish on!!!" I took off up the stairs and ran through the kitchen/living area, out the door and jumped in the big chair. It's a good thing no one was in my way because I'm pretty positive they would have had my foot prints on their body. As I land in the chair and they give me the rod, I see s big ol' dolphin jump out of the air! Oh, yea baby!! It's on!!! With the knowledge I've gained from my Key West fishing trips, I deftly reeled in the biggest bull dolphin I've ever caught!!! 40 pounder!! It put up a good fight, but I prevailed.

Now a couple things about my catch:
1. The dolphin I refer to is also known as Dorado or on the dinner menu, Mahi Mahi. So don't worry, I didn't catch Flipper.
2. I know my pics usually are of things, places or food because this blog is about the story and not about the people per say, but on this rare occasion I include my picture because it's the biggest dolphin I've ever caught and I had to share this picture.

For 2 days and 3 nights, we hauled in Yellow Fin tuna, Black Fin tuna, Dolphin and I brought in my first Wahoo. With no real agenda, other than fishing, I completely "kicked the clutch out" and enjoyed the trip. It's rare that I have time to just sit and reflect on the beauty of nature, snap pictures of oil rigs and sunsets, read a book, take a nap at 10 am on a Thursday, or visit with family and friends deeper than just pleasantries.

As the boat docked on Saturday morning, Captain Fun and the deck hands cleaned our fish, we packed our bags, said our good-byes and headed back to NOLA to catch our plane. The world had not stopped because I couldn't check my phone and those emails, phone calls and texts did wait to be answered. If you haven't had time to check out lately, I suggest you do. I think you'll enjoy it.

Until then, happy travels and many laughs...

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