Some of you may have seen this
blog entry on The Thanks to Facebook this little gem showed up on my News Feed and immediately I had to share with all of my friends both via FB and email. This story made me literally LOL. The Blogess is a funny lady and I find her humor awesome. If you don't find her funny, that's ok too. But really. She's funny.
Ok, so to make this blog entry worth reading, I'll give you a couple minutes to click on the link above and go read this story. If you haven't read it, then my entry will not make sense.
Go ahead. I'll wait.
Welcome back! Now on to my story...
One Saturday night, I showed up to J1 and Bitch C's house for dinner with Bitch A & Bitch B. J1's work load finally simmered down and he wanted to cook for us. (He's amazing in the kitchen!) Well B & I had discussed how funny it would be to try to find a metal chicken to take over to their house...because frankly, how funny would it be to put a chicken on their front door and ring the door bell? "Knock knock!!" But we ran out of time and didn't do it.
As we arrive to J1 and C's house, I notice the blinds to the kitchen are closed. Weird.
Then C pops out to greet us in the driveway. Interesting.
You see, typically the blinds are open and the welcoming is done just at the door. Hum.
C was in a particularly chipper mood and so happy to see I just thought she was excited about the fun evening.
B & I enter the house like normal, greet the dog, hug J1 and go into the kitchen to put our purses down. Well, C is super giddy and watching us. I set my purse down on the side table and see...

"Surprise!!! Happy birthday!!!!!" exclaimed the couple.
Now my birthday isn't for a few more months, but I am floored. This chicken is awesome! We're all laughing and I now understand why C was so excited to see us. She was giddy with excitement over the gift.In the course of talking and laughing about how awesome it is, J1 comes up with its very own name, Ke$ha. Which works well, since she is a dirty bird. (Rusty that is, what were you thinking?)
Now even funnier, Bitch A showed up later than B & me. So when she finally does arrive, the four of us are excited to see her reaction when she walks in to the house and meets Ke$ha. So A comes in the house, puts down her purse and completely doesn't notice the chicken.
We patiently wait for her to see it.
We gently gesture towards the dining room.
Bitch B makes a comment about the elephant in the room.
We finally point out the 6 foot metal chicken to A and she FINALLY notices it. I think we may have laughed the hardest at the fact she was completely oblivious. (Camo blonde indeed!)
During the course of the evening, Ke$ha sat at the head of the table during dinner, had many photos taken, danced on the coffee table, and had an all around rock star night.
What seemed to be just another Saturday night, turned into an amazing evening with even more amazing friends. As Ke$ha settles into her new home in my backyard, she will serve as a constant reminder of that fun night and how lucky I am to be blessed with such amazing friends.
Until then...happy travels and MANY laughs!